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Woman ravished 13-year-oId boy and had his baby, but won’t spend a day in prison because of this!

The 31-year-old defendant, Andrea, reportedly admitted to having se* with a 13-year-old boy and then become pregnant with his child. But, she will not face jail time, court records say.

The woman initially faced se-ual assault charges after she was arrested. According to police, an investigation into the se-ual assault of a 13-year-old began in June 2022.

Officials learned that Andrea, who the victim viewed as a mother figure, was having a se-ual relationship with the minor.

Andrea, who became pregnant and later gave birth to a baby boy, admitted to the crime. “She se-ually assaulted my 13-year-old son …

She introduced him to drugs, she needs to be in jail,” she said. “It’s a double standard. If she was a man, and my son was a girl she would be behind bars right now.” Read the fuII story▶