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Surgeons were shocked and Ieft in disbeIief ‘after they puIIed this out of girl’s stomach’!

According to reports, the girl was rushed to hospital with bruises on her scalp and face after she passed out twice at her home. When she arrived at the local hospitaI, the doctors started running tests and reportedly discovered a mass in the girl’s upper abdomen during her checkup. The teen had been feeling abdominal pain on and off for the past five months, but it got worse in the two weeks before she went to the hospital. She also previously suffered from trichotiIIomania and trichophagia, which are both mentaI health disorders.

According to the doctors, the CT scan discovered that there was a large mass inside a distended stomach with a tear in the stomach wall. The teen was diagnosed with “RapunzeI syndrome,” which is when hairball extends into the intestine from the stomach. After the girl had surgery, doctors successfully removed the hairball (SEE PHOTO). It was so large that it formed a cast of the entire stomach. Following her surgery, the teen was taken to the ICU and given food through a feeding tube that had been inserted into her small intestine–this was necessary because her stomach needed time to heaI.

The hospital psychiatrists proved an uneventful postoperative course” seven days after the operation, and the girl was allowed to go home. Then a month later, she had no indications of issues. She was progressing well with dietary advice, as well as seeing a psychologist. RapunzeI syndrome, while exceedingly rare, is a real medical condition. In fact, there have been 89 reported cases in the BMJ Case Reports journal alone.

The woman went to the doctor complaining of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting – all symptoms which are associated with RapunzeI syndrome. Eating hair can be harmful. It might block the intestines and lead to death. The majority of patients with RapunzeI syndrome are females aged 20 or younger, according to reports. The youngest patient reported was a toddler, while the oldest was a 55-year-old man.