The little baby, Pace, was born 101 days early at 25 weeks weighing just 1lb 4oz, and was so tiny he was too frail to even hold or cuddle. To help him survive doctors kept Pace warm by placing him in a plastic drawstring neonatal bag moments after he was delivered.
His parents BeIIa and PauI were making a 150-mile round-trip to visit their son as the tiny tot has spent the first weeks of his life in intensive care at the Children’s HospitaI while his lungs are developing.
Bella, a receptionist who has three other children, was rushed to the hospital after her waters broke. She was transferred to a different hospital where doctors tried to delay labour but were forced to perform an emergency caesarean four days later.
The 33-year-old said: “We’re getting there, slowly. “He was actually trying to be born at 24 weeks but we had some drugs to try and delay it. When he was at 25 weeks, he decided he had enough. “There was a chance of a premature birth as my previous 12-year-old was born 10 weeks early. Read the fuII story▶